H3045 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


03045yada`{yaw-dah'} 字根型;TWOT-848;动词 AV-know 645,known 105,knowledge 19,perceive 18,shew 17,tell 8, wist 7,understand 7,certainly 7,acknowledge 6,acquaintance 6, consider 6,declare 6,teach 5,misc 85;947


03045yada`{yaw-dah'} a primitive root;TWOT-848;v AV-know 645,known 105,knowledge 19,perceive 18,shew 17,tell 8, wist 7,understand 7,certainly 7,acknowledge 6,acquaintance 6, consider 6,declare 6,teach 5,misc 85;947

1)to know
--1a1)to know
--1a1a)to know,learn to know
--1a1b)to perceive
--1a1c)to perceive and see,find out and discern
--1a1d)to discriminate,distinguish
--1a1e)to know by experience
--1a1f)to recognise,admit,acknowledge,confess
--1a1g)to consider
--1a2)to know,be acquainted with
--1a3)to know (a person carnally)
--1a4)to know how,be skilful in
--1a5)to have knowledge,be wise
--1b1)to be made known,be or become known,be revealed
--1b2)to make oneself known
--1b3)to be perceived
--1b4)to be instructed
-1c)(Piel)to cause to know
-1d)(Poal)to cause to know
--1e1)to be known
--1e2)known,one known,acquaintance (participle)
-1f)(Hiphil)to make known,declare
-1g)(Hophal)to be made known
-1h)(Hithpael)to make oneself known,reveal oneself